Profit from Smart Market Making Bots.

An interchain DeFi protocol that enables you to provide liquidity on order book exchanges and earn trading profits from smart market making bots.


Fully Automated

Our grid bots will market make on the orderbook 24/7, placing limit buy and sell orders and profiting from the spread.


Our vaults have been highly profitable, with our flagship KUJI/USDC vault earning an APY of over 200% in October 2022.

Auto Compounded

Market making profits are auto compounded for you by our bots, allowing you to maximize your APY.

No Lock Up Period

You have full control over your funds. Deposit or withdraw funds from our vaults any time you wish.

Start by selecting your vault.

We offer a range of different trading pairs for you to provide liquidity and earn attractive profits from our market making bots.



Next, swap your tokens.

Funds have to be deposited into our vaults in a 50:50 ratio. Use our swap interface to get your desired amount of each token.

Deposit into our vaults.

On our vault page, fill in the amount of tokens you would like to deposit into our vault. Click the deposit button and sign the transaction with your wallet.



Track your positions.

Head over to our dashboard to view a summary of all your positions and find out the dollar value of your positions.

Stop waiting.
Start earning.

Profit from smart market making bots today